Brand New!

You may have noticed things are looking a bit different around here? I’m no longer Mahdi Earth, but Dr Mahdi Mason (how very official!). I have re-branded in order to support my decision to focus on speaking, writing and teaching about all things earth healing.

So, what has changed? Firstly, my web address is now, and my social media profiles have changed to Dr Mahdi Mason. Secondly, you’ll notice the wonderful new design and photos across all of my platforms. They were created by the beautiful ladies at The Holistic Project and Eyes of Love Photography. Thirdly, I’m now available to present at your next event!

Ultimately though, despite the changes you can see before you on the internet, I’m the same old me – passionate about making the environment healthy again and banging on about it to anyone who will listen.

Me banging on about the environment

The aim of my work is to:

·         Communicate Mother Earth’s messages

·         Teach people how to help the environment

·         Help people to appreciate Mother Earth and all of her magnificent creations; and

·         Help people to connect with nature

I will continue to bring you information on how to do all of this throughout my blog, social media accounts, books and presentations. In other exciting news, there's a chance I will be creating an earth healing podcast! (Is it wrong to be dreaming of a gold microphone before I’ve worked out any of the content??)

If there is a particular topic you would like me to discuss, please let me know through the contact page. In the meantime, check out my cool new site!

As always, thank you for your interest in my work and for your kindness to the planet.