Have you ever realised how much society driven by masculine energy? We are all working hard, trying to achieve goals, earn more money, and ensure we can provide the best lives for our children. We develop schedules and to-do lists to make sure we get the most done each day, and if something doesn’t get done, we get frustrated and angry.
At present, we are all doers. We are always on the go. Unfortunately, that way of life cannot be sustained forever. One thing that has demonstrated how to survive for eons, however, is the Earth. Today’s message comes from Mother Earth herself.
Mother Earth is encouraging us to start following her lead and embracing our feminine energy - that quiet voice we all have inside that only wants the best for us. For it is a balance between masculine and feminine energy that allows us to stand in our full power and live long, fulfilling lives.
Feminine energy is not better than masculine energy or vice versa. Both are important and necessary. Problems occur when one is suppressed – as is the feminine in most people in current times.
Feminine energy is soft and calm. It allows and it receives. It rests and it restores, and it most certainly does not react. Think of how a loving mother nurtures her new born baby – that is an example of someone embracing their feminine energy. She ensures the baby gets enough rest and nutrients. All that she ever wishes is that her baby will be healthy and happy. That is how we should all be nurturing ourselves.
Mother Earth exhibits her strong feminine energy by staying still and holding her power. She does not waste energy on chasing the wants of the ego, clutching at straws, or forcing outcomes. She simply allows everything to be, just the way it is.
Mother Earth is also forever loving and forgiving. She does not waver in her love for all living creatures, and continually provides us with all of the food, water and materials we need to survive. This is irrespective of how she has been treated by many people in the world – raping and pillaging her of her resources, without a single thanks.
Gaia does not hold grudges or seek revenge for the way she has been treated. She is too smart for that. Doing so would only diminish her own energy, and she knows she needs that to stay strong.
When we embrace our own feminine energy. We finally allow ourselves to stop. We remove ourselves from the rat-race – even if only temporarily – and allow our own energy levels to start restoring. We give ourselves the chance to rest.
Rest is actually just as important as exercise when it comes to being healthy. Resting gives our bodies the ability to remove things that the body no longer needs and repair vital organs. If we are only ever on the go, all of our energy goes into supporting movement and keeping us alert.
By letting our feminine sides emerge, we also give our brains a chance to take a step back, put things into perspective and see the bigger picture. This can help with finding solutions to work problems, prioritising tasks and achieving goals. In short, it can helps to be more efficient and effective in our masculine objectives.
Being more feminine also permits us to be more creative. Whether it be creating music, paintings, gardens, interior decorations or written pieces, feminine energy will help. All of us have a creative side, whether we acknowledge it or not, and being creative is incredibly relaxing and satisfying.
Perhaps most importantly, embracing our feminine energy enables us to appreciate the small things in life – things we are usually too busy to enjoy. For example, spending time with family and pets, relaxing in nature or reading a book. All the things we look back on and wish we had appreciated more at the time.
So, go out and do the things you need to do. Achieve things in life! Just don’t forget about the importance of resting, rejuvenating and allowing things to just be. Your feminine aspect is very much a part of you, and the more you embrace it, the happier you will be!