
Lessons from Nature: Let Mother Earth Nurture You

Lessons from Nature: Let Mother Earth Nurture You

Recently, I was lucky enough to spend some time in the Central Australian desert learning about the way of life there. When I had a spare moment, I took the opportunity to ask Mother Earth what it is she would like us to know at this point and time. This is what she said:

Lessons from Nature: Embracing Feminine Energy

Lessons from Nature: Embracing Feminine Energy

Have you ever realised how much society driven by masculine energy? We are all working hard, trying to achieve goals, earn more money, and ensure we can provide the best lives for our children. We develop schedules and to-do lists to make sure we get the most done each day, and if something doesn’t get done, we get frustrated and angry.

What Al Gore Taught Me About Environmental Communication

What Al Gore Taught Me About Environmental Communication

Once upon a time, when I was a graduate environmental advisor at the mines, I was lucky enough to be accepted onto Al Gore’s Climate Project. The aim of the Project was to train up some key climate champions across all different walks of life to go out and give presentations on the topic wherever they could.

5 Tricks to Get More Out of Your Time In Nature

5 Tricks to Get More Out of Your Time In Nature

I so often talk about how beneficial it is your you to spend time in nature – physically, mentally and spiritually – so I won’t bang on about it again too much today. It’s true that simply being in nature, without even trying to do anything, does wonders for you. Although, given we are all so time poor these days, I would like to help you out with how you can get the most out of each visit.